

Inspired by the chance discovery of the Varna Gold in 1972 the design of Varnopolis draws upon the notion of discovery and the revelation of knowledge. The building takes the form of a simple civic box or cultural container which opens subtly at the central entrance to reveal a glimpse of a richly flowing interior. The contrast between a solid, simple civic box and richly flowing interior plays upon the changing role of the library in modern culture. The juxtaposition of an important cultural repository with a more playful and accessible shared community space. The name Varnopolis is formed from the name of the city itself and the Necropolis; the location of the discovery of the Varna gold, one of the oldest discoveries of worked metal jewellery in archeological history. Ground Level 2,280sqm All Above Ground Levels 17,955sqm Landscape Area 4,142sqm Parking Spaces 306
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