Roberto Giannerini - arcarete team
Reaching the new Varna Library in the broad daylight the skin of the building is shining brightly,
a new landmark complementing the Town Hall.
The Library displays easily recognisable structural elements. Looking at the Entrance, the Main
Lobby with public services and Cafeteria are visible through the glass frame. A deep cut in the
buiding skin displays a clear view of the wide vertical greenhouse, the oxygen and climatic
rechargeable battery of the Library.
Turning around the building is the massive shape of the Library Main Storage and Administration
offices. The paths of visitors, books and staff never cross. The Underground Garage is easy to
Changing the scene, at dusk the new building is softly glowing as a lamp illuminating the
atmosphere of the adjacent square. Here the Cafeteria will be open till late.
Finally, on entering the Main Lobby all required functions are economically linked and easy to
reach including the Entrance of the Reading Area with its access control.
- Registration number
- 000022