

VARNA - SEA + LIBRARY - KNOWLEDGE VARNA LIBRARY - SEA OF KNOWLEDGE Varna is an ancient city with an intriguing history. The sea is a major factor that determines the founding and development of the city throughout its history. Considering that the library is a building storing knowledge accumulated by the people through the project we tried to visualize the idea "Sea of Knowledge". We have been trying to find a clear, simple and effective way to suggest the main idea. Because of that by the contemplation of the building is searched definite and impressive image that is perceived as a cultural ideogram. The building has an oval shape and sought association with books stacked on a shelf. In terms of interior all the reading area are organized around an open space in three levels. Regarding the functional organization is offered the following: - Clear communications - Functional relations are achieved in connection with the various - Energy efficient building - The use of highly effective materials, equipment and technologies is provided to ensure quality implementation of the object .
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