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Architecture is but a structured space naturally embedding certain functions in the name of service, delight and inspiration of people. This project seeks to give the booklovers pleasure, to lure non-readers into the world of enlightenment, and to set the urban cultural and intellectual pulse, by way of a cost efficient, yet multifunctional, flexible and sustainable structured space. The exquisitely rational, financially and technologically feasible, reinforced concrete structure with glass separation walls allows for the floor plan flexibility required by the multiple functions it houses. The modular structure guarantees the floor space organization flexibility essential for the changing functions of the building in the vertical direction. In addition to meeting all competition requirements, the project adds further value through two optional features – a unique bibliohotel and a swimming pool to attract new readers to the open-air reading area. The structure is meant to be an indispensible part of the neighboring urban fabric with distinctive functional and aesthetic identity.
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